Mila Churilov
Civil Marriage Celebrant
Welcome to my website. I am Mila Churilov, an authorised Civil Marriage Celebrant appointed by the Attorney – General of Australia in 2006 to solemnise Marriages.
I am a proud member of Australian Marriage Celebrants Inc.
I perform the following ceremonies:
- Weddings (including Same Sex Weddings)
- Vow renewals
- Funerals
- Milestone celebrations
- Commitment ceremonies
- Baby Naming
For many years I have been providing these services in the Melbourne metropolitan area. I am, also, a well-known Marriage Celebrant to the Russian speaking community.
I really love to create and perform wedding ceremonies for couples of different cultural and religious backgrounds. Since I am fluent in Russian, English and Ukrainian languages I frequently perform bilingual ceremonies for the convenience of couples and their guests.
To date I have married couples who have come to Australia from many countries around the world: Russia, Italy, Greece, England, Israel, Cyprus, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus, India, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Czech Republic, Vietnam and Philippines.
As a Marriage Celebrant with the Russian/Jewish background I also perform Civil Jewish Weddings with the inclusion of Jewish cultural wedding rituals and traditions. My caring personality, warmth and professionalism will make your ceremony a cherished and unforgettable occasion.
I offer very reasonable and competitive fees and packages to suit everyone’s budget.
For more details or an obligation free quote please contact me:
Mobile: 0431 475 117
Phone: 03 9551 2923
Email: milac@optushome.com.au

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